LEGAL CHANGES REVIEW AND LEGISLATIVE ACTIVITIES OF PINK | Raporty PRZEGLĄD ZMIAN W PRAWIE istotnych dla branży RE Byadmin 1 February 201918 October 2020 luty 2019 pobierz dokument
Działania legislacyjne, opinie i stanowiska PINK | Raporty PINK REPORT to the Ministry of Finance: reclassifying real estate sales as divestment of a business or its organised part Byadmin 1 October 201818 October 2020 download document
Działania legislacyjne, opinie i stanowiska PINK | Raporty PINK COMMENTS submitted in the framework of the public consultation: draft law amending the Law on personal income tax, the Law on corporate income tax, the act - tax code and the amendment of certain other laws (draft of 24 August 2018) Byadmin 7 September 201818 October 2020 download document
Działania legislacyjne, opinie i stanowiska PINK | Raporty PINK COMMENTS submitted as part of the public consultation re draft law on companies investing in real estate rentals (draft of 25 April 2018) Byadmin 15 May 201818 October 2020 download document
Działania legislacyjne, opinie i stanowiska PINK | Raporty PINK OPINION: evaluation of the draft amendments to the Corporation Tax Act Byadmin 26 October 201718 October 2020 download document
Działania legislacyjne, opinie i stanowiska PINK | Raporty PINK COMMENTS submitted as part of the public consultation: draft law amending the Personal Income Tax Act, the Corporate Income Tax Act and the Flat Rate Income Tax Act on certain income received by individuals (draft of 6 July 2017) Byadmin 26 July 201718 October 2020 download document
Działania legislacyjne, opinie i stanowiska PINK UWAGI PINK zgłaszane w ramach konsultacji publicznych do projektu ustawy o spółkach rynku wynajmu nieruchomości – projekt z dnia 19 maja 2017 roku Byadmin 9 June 20176 January 2021 download document
Działania legislacyjne, opinie i stanowiska PINK | Raporty PINK REPORT: comparison of the model of functioning of companies in the commercial real estate market in the current structure with the functioning model within the REIT structure Byadmin 24 May 201718 October 2020 download document
Działania legislacyjne, opinie i stanowiska PINK | Raporty PINK REPORT for the Ministry of Finance: evaluation of the administration's activities regarding the reclassification of real estate sales transactions as a company / organized part of the company Byadmin 25 January 201718 October 2020 download document